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Monthly Archives: July 2023

Eat this salad in good shape

Eat this salad in good shape

Known as ‘salad’, although there are lots of vegetables, not every dish is low in calories. Because if other ingredients in there such as salad dressings or other side dishes bring fat. Even if eating salad instead of rice Definitely won’t help me slim Let’s see what kind of

Why eating 2: 1: 1 can reduce "belly"

Why eating 2: 1: 1 can reduce “belly”

Eating using a 2: 1: 1 formula is eating a food according to a formula that determines. The right amount of food in each meal. Thereby reducing the belly and reducing the risk of various diseases. By dividing the portion of the plate (9 inches diameter) into 4

Take care of your hair with hair vitamins!

Take care of your hair with hair vitamins!

There are many ways to take care of our hair, which many of you already know. But in this article, I would like to mention only how to take care of your hair with hair vitamins. That there are vitamins and minerals that are essential to our

The secret to the face is radiant and healthy

The secret to the face is radiant and healthy

The face is radiant and healthy, many women may be worried about dry, cracked, flaky skin, rashes, or easily irritated. If you do not take special care of your face May cause problems with premature aging. Today, we recommends a simple trick. with facial care for dry skin girls